About us:

Hi, we are Tyson Quolas and Parker Bulthuis! We are 2 young bussinesmen who really have a passion for style!

We are two friends who live together and wanted to make clothes we like. We started this company to bring our ideas to life!

Why Sowieso?
We were thinking about a name that says something about us. We both say the word sowieso a lot and this word is dutch for of course. After we thought about it we knew we had to have this as our brand name.

We started to search things up, how to make your own clothing? Where? What kind of different printing styles there are? After we had all of our information we started to make designs.

After a little bit we were thinking if there was something special we could do. We both play baseball and we know there are a lot of teams without there own team shirts to practice or do their pre-game in. This is the moment when we thought to make BP shirts/sets for Baseball teams. This was a good start for us because already 4 teams that we have made a special designed for and we are really proud of it!

We hope to get bigger soon and show the world what we got!


“Sowieso” Clothing🤙🏼